Payment – Mode of Payment
12 thumbs-up-1-150x150
tickPAYNOW. Choose UEN and key in this Number: 50426000J 
      The name will show as Comteck Computer Technology  
tickCheque crossed & made payable to “Comteck Computer Technology” 
tick2BANKER’S CHEQUE issued by your bank also acceptable
tickOnline bank to bank immediate transfer
tickDirect ATM terminal cash deposit or ATM terminal fund transfer
tickName of bank : 
tickOrigin Country of Bank: Singapore 
tickOnly Accept Currency in Singapore Dollars
tickBank Account Number: 04-131-06-3735
tickBank Account Name: Comteck Computer Technology
tickBank Code: 7302
tickBranch Code: 013
tick Swift Code: MBBESGSG
tickBank Address: 210 New Upper Changi Road # 01-699 (460210)
tick Bank Telephone: 1800-6292265